Weekly-ish emails with tips to create powerful group containers for transformation.

[Non-Biz] NATURE Healing Resources From My Friends, Clients & Colleagues


Happy Earth Day. ❤️

Thankfully, one thing we can still do is GET OUTSIDE. Even if it’s just your backyard or neighborhood.

And it’s more important than ever.

So I’ve compiled a list of resources to help you navigate these times, all calling on the power of Mama Nature.

Photo Credit: Day Schildkret

These offerings range from free to donation-based to paid, and have been gathered from my wonderful and talented community of friends, clients and colleagues all over the world.

They either require you to go outside on your own, or they use the teachings of the natural world to guide you (or both!)

I do hope you take advantage of some of these to help you stay grounded and connected to yourself at this time – and to honor and thank our beautiful Earth.

Here they are:

  • Ethnobotanist, deep ecologist and also my dear friend and incredible teacher, Jolie, is offering Roots of Resilience in Uncertain Times a webinar series guiding you through Joanna Macy’s Work That Reconnects. I’ll be there! She’s offering another class called the Intelligence of Nature coming up soon as well. Highly recommend.
  • Next, a transformational deep-dive into the Four Directions/Medicine Wheel Teachings brought to you by Rites of Passage guide Mike Bodkin, who led the wilderness quest I went on 10 years ago. It involves group meetings and solo explorations in nature.
  • The Forest Bathing Club is offering virtual forest bathing experiences weekly on Thursdays at 5pm PST. Each week has a different theme and you’ll learn ways to connect more deeply to Nature — wherever you are! Join the newsletter to receive the weekly invites.
  • Come to a Heart-Centered Virtual Morning Circle for Families with sharing, storytelling and song, brought to you by EarthRoots, a nature connection organization in Southern California.
  • Wilderness Torah, my beloved nonprofit that I co-founded, co-directed, and now sit on the board of, is offering Virtual Village activities three days a week… everything from Jewish learning and nature connection to hands-on creativity and spiritual practice.
  • Check out these awesome videos from Outdoor Afro on how and why to get your kids outside, plus a Nature Never Closes Spotify playlist. Love this org!!
  • My dear and talented friend Day of Morning Altars, is facilitating an Earth Day workshop where folks will make nature altars together as an offering of our love, our dedication, our grief, our gratitude for our home planet and all her inhabitants (his artwork is featured on this email!). He also has a beautiful movie coming out on Earth Day, and you can watch a preview here.
  • For Bay Area folk, Bay Area Wilderness Training, whose mission it is to create equitable access to outdoor experiences for youth of color and low-income youth, created an open source mapping tool to find urban parks, open spaces, walkways, etc. so that even those in dense neighborhoods can safely socially distance outside. Plus, they’ve actually donated all their 2-person tents to support the promotion of social distancing amongst the homeless. ❤️
  • I’ve done Dawn’s events in person, and I’m sure this Nourish in Nature will be beautiful too… A virtual, guided opportunity to rejuvenate, relax and shed stress through connecting with nature and community.
  • Restorative Connection: Nature’s Medicine from Home is a 3-week course facilitated by ecotherapist Lezlie Scaliatine, offering nature-based practices and support to resource you while sheltering at home.
  • For the deep dive, Kate is a Nature Based Soul Guide and Eros Devotee who guides those who are seeking to inhabit the wilderness within their own soul so that we can create a culture rooted in the deep soul love of our longing. Her 1:1 mentorship is found here.
  • Ecoutearth is a combined practice of mindfulness, ecopsychology and expressive arts and is accessible for anyone, anywhere. They’re offering an Earth Day embodied practice called Ecoutearth: Connect Where You Are, plus Karina offers physically distanced 1:1 outdoor sessions for folks in the Bay Area.
  • The Earthbody Institute and Wild Nature Heart are teaming up to offer a Work That Reconnects Ritual Gathering to bring deep attention to what’s changing and what’s possible, to bring our whole selves to the questions of what it means to be human together and what the larger earth body asks of us at this time. Email Ariana if you want to participate.
  • And, one biz-related offering from my colleague Terra, who happens to be another nature-inspired business coach (yes, there are actually a few of us!), who is hosting a free multi-day training… The Visionary Business Leader: How to Thrive in Your Business During Uncertain TimesI am one of the featured speakers, and our interview was awesome, plus, there are some other amazing coaches and teachers that are involved that I can personally vouch for! Sign up for that here.

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