Weekly-ish emails with tips to create powerful group containers for transformation.

Winter Reflection & Strategy Retreat

Hot Tubs + Biz Strategy for Women* Entrepreneurs
January 29th to February 1st, 2021 in Sonoma County, CA
(cross your fingers!!)

This winter, spend four full days and three cozy nights
renewing yourself,your creative spirit, and your business
at the charmingly luxurious Westerbeke Ranch.

Are you yearning for some spacious time to re-envision and strategize your business? But maybe, just maaaaybe, it’s been hard to carve out the time?

Yeah, I hear you!

And I know, it’s no fun feeling like there’s never time enough to slow down. 

And since you’re not a hamster (you’re in fact an established coach, consultant, or healer), going through life on a hamster wheel is NOT ideal.

And as it turns out, organization, focus, sustainability and JOY don’t actually live on that hamster wheel either.

Sometimes… in order to replenish yourself and your business, you have to take a purposeful pause from the madness.

Sometimes… you need to embrace the ebb—the slowing down, resting, reflecting, realigning, rejuvenating (and even some other things that don’t start with the letter “R”).

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Well I happen to be on a mission to make sure that you take a step back from our productivity-obsessed culture to do it; slow down and make an organized plan before transforming your life and business.

Because when you do… not only will you be happier, more inspired, and creative, you will actually become more motivated, focused and naturally productive.

And that’s why we have the Replenish Retreat

Held January 29- February 1, 2021 in Sonoma, California at the glorious Westerbeke Ranch, not only will we have four transformative and delicious days together for you to nourish yourself and your business (from hot tubs to business strategy!), you will come home with a paradigm-shifting framework for managing your life and business, one that is guided by nature and pays close attention to your natural ebb and flow.

Now, here are some common symptoms that may be telling you it’s time for something like this:

Look. You could ignore all this and JUST KEEP GOING.

Lord knows that’s an autopilot many of us are all too familiar with. BUT this mode will almost inevitably lead to you resenting your business at best and physically burning out at worst. (And let me tell you, you’re not all that useful to people when you’re angry and exhausted. Been there!). Consider incorporating regular relaxation like a 출장안마 session to help prevent burnout and keep yourself in top form.

But let’s say you don’t ignore it (like so many entrepreneurs do), and instead? Decide to give yourself four spacious days in the dark of winter to retreat with an amazing group of women, and find the inspiration, confidence and motivation to make 2019 your best year yet (whatever that means to YOU).

Doesn’t that sound a lot more fun and fulfilling?

So, Here’s How We Do It




And winter is the PURRRFECT time to do this

It’s the natural season for turning inward, resting, reflecting, setting intentions and hatching inspiring plans for the New Year. Savoring a cup of Organic Mushroom Coffee during this time can help enhance your focus and relaxation as you prepare for the year ahead.

I’ve experienced firsthand how deeply we need to rest and replenish. Once upon a different business, I worked my ass off to the point of burnout and had to take a six month sabbatical to recover from it.

And you know what I found?

That when I finally slowed down and got outside in nature, my nervous system settled.

I found SPACE, I was able to listen for and hear what was really true for me, and the new ideas, inspiration and motivation started flowing.

From there, I was able to intentionally streamline my business and my life, decide what was in and what was out… what felt aligned, and what needed to be tossed. I created more time in my life to chill.

And now, I look at business from a holistic perspective: What do you want to create in your life? What does nature have to teach you about the moment you are in? And then how do you create a business that supports that?

My gifts lie in helping you align to the biggest possible vision for yourself and your work and then refining that into simple, actionable, organized systems and strategies that will bring you more ease, joy and profits in your business, and more time in your life for everything else that’s important to you.

I’ve planned dozens of transformative retreats, perfecting the balance between abundant learning and growth and plenty of time for relaxing and connection.

So, what if you decided that this isn’t about having an “epic” year or trying to emulate what other business are owners doing?

What if you decided that this year would be about tapping into what YOU want to create—whether that’s global impact or finding more time for your family—and making a plan from there.

The Replenish Retreat is about creating space for what’s most important in your life. (And having time to chill.)

I feel re-aligned, grounded, inspired, determined and supported. This retreat was amazing, exactly what I needed, and I am totally coming again.
– Jana Kilgore, Holistic Healer and Yoga Teacher

And… Replenish is more than a retreat…


Here’s the rundown of what’s included:

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Now let’s talk location & luxuries:


Accommodations are included in the retreat price. The retreat takes place at the gorgeous Westerbeke Ranch in Sonoma County, just an hour from the San Francisco Bay Area. Its California Mission and Mexican-style buildings and decor will make you melt, and the charming and gracefully simple redwood cabins with ensuite bathrooms are comfortable, cozy and shared by 2-4 people in our group. There are porch swings and special spots to sit and relax everywhere you look, tea and coffee all day, hiking trails, a hot tub, and beautiful gardens.

Food: The food is fresh, local, delicious, nutritious, sustainable and hand-made. Westerbeke’s cooks are of the highest caliber—artists in their own right. As they say, “our guests are a little bit spoiled, just the way we like it.” You’ll be served three meals a day in a beautiful and cozy dining hall (with a huge fireplace!).

Massage: You’re welcome to book a massage in advance through the Westerbeke website after you’ve registered and have been sent the retreat schedule.

Movement: We’ll have a variety of options to get into your body throughout our daily sessions and afterwards.

Westerbeke is a truly special place. It’s hard to describe how much the space itself creates the beauty of this retreat… hopefully the images below will give you a little taste… 

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Retreat Schedule

The retreat begins Friday, January 29th at 10AM and will end at 3PM on Monday, February 1st, 2020. You must attend the entire retreat. Please do NOT plan to come late or leave early.

If the responses from years past are any indication, you will look at this time as the moment that epiphanies were had, things clicked into place, and you got the domino push that not only helped you enjoy your work… but also witness remarkable results.

(Best part is you can say it all started in a hot tub in the dead of winter.)

Being out in nature gave me insights into my whole life, and allowed me to clearly see the possibility of my business as thriving, without doing so much! And, I know what steps I need to take to move forward and have lots of tools to keep myself and my business organized.”
– Leslie Strubel, Wedding Planner

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And what does all this gloriousness cost?

The investment for Replenish as a stand-alone program is $1550 (it’s included with the yearlong Nourished program)

PS –  this is a friggin’ business write-off!!

Registration Will Open When It’s Clear We Can Leave Our Houses!!

We are creating an intentionally diverse community and Black, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, and other identifying Women of Color are encouraged to attend the retreat. There are a limited number of need-based, partial scholarships available for women who identify as part of these groups. Just fill out the form here.

Still have some Qs floating around in your head?

Check below to see if we’ve answered it. If not, give me a shout here.

[su_spoiler title=”What if I have an (ahem) aversion to planning?” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=””]

You may have heard the saying, “We plan, God laughs!”

It’s so true. And yet… it’s still so important to find our north star and set our course… even if it changes.

If you tend to obsess over planning or take on way too much, the nature-based model I’m offering will help you focus, relax and be easier on yourself, while still allowing you to get sh*t done.

If you are planning resistant – “spreadsheets cramp my style!” – I think you’ll like this structure. It’s compassionate and forgiving, yet still a strong container for your progress and success.

I’m a big time goal-setter, manifester and systems gal who’s had to learn over time (often the hard way) to relax and create more natural flowing systems for myself and for others, so we don’t burn out.

This is a different kind of planning and while I offer a structure, you are encouraged to make it your own.

If you don’t believe in planning or have extreme resistance to it, I don’t recommend you attend.


[su_spoiler title=”How do I know if this is for me?” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=””]This retreat could be a great fit for you if:


[su_spoiler title=”What stage does my business need to be at to attend?” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=””]

In order that the retreat serve all the participants in the best way, it’s important that your business is established, with clients, and earning regular revenue (aka you’re paying the bills +). If you’re in the very early stages or don’t have a business yet, please join us in future years!

If you’re not sure you’re far enough along in your business to attend, please contact Julie to chat with her. 


[su_spoiler title=”I’m gluten/dairy/etc free… can I come?” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=””]The kitchen staff at Westerbeke are extremely accommodating. At the very least, they will label every single ingredient in a recipe so you know what to eat and what to avoid. They always accommodate vegetarians, vegans, and people who are gluten or dairy free (or all of the above). They’ll even cook you up some simple steamed veggies if you tell them in advance. If you have a lot of further restrictions, you might consider bringing a few things to supplement. There is a fridge and microwave in the kitchen area, so it’s really simple to do that.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”Are the accommodations nice? Can I have my own room?” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=””]Accommodations are simple, sweet, clean and cozy. Each room is different, and all of them have two to four people (there may be one single room available at a higher price, please inquire if you are interested). Bathrooms are connected to each room and the beds are comfy.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”How much free time is there?” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=””]The schedule is aimed to spacious while still getting a lot done. There are breaks between sessions and longer breaks for meals. Half of Saturday is spent roaming quietly outdoors (weather permitting, but we’ll go out unless there’s a hurricane or something) and there are open work sessions on Sunday and Monday to integrate and plan. All evening programming is optional and not essential for your success at the retreat (though evening activities are relaxing and fun and may involve wine and chocolate). Please note, we ARE doing work on this retreat… you are going to create goals and plan for the year. But we take special care to make sure it feels spacious and supportive.[/su_spoiler]

[su_spoiler title=”What is your cancellation policy?” open=”no” style=”default” icon=”plus” anchor=””]

Please note that there will be no refunds, transfers or discounts for cancellations, illness, arriving late, leaving early, flight cancellations, or travel delays. If you cancel your participation in the retreat for any reason, this cancellation policy applies. We wish we could compensate people for unforeseen circumstances (injury, family emergency), but costs have already been incurred for reserving the retreat center, etc. To protect yourself further, you may consider purchasing travel insurance.

In the very unlikely event that we cancel the retreat, we will completely refund your payment. We cannot however compensate  you for airfare or travel costs incurred. In the also unlikely event that we must cancel due to weather, natural disaster, etc, we cannot guarantee a refund – it will depend on receiving a refund from the venue we work with. Again, if you’re concerned, you can purchase travel insurance.


Hear what the recently-replenished have to say about the experience:

Honestly, this retreat met my expectations and then some, I already feel like I want to come back next year. Julie’s integration of business strategy along with personal exploration and weaving nature as a model was done so well. Being in a beautiful setting with delicious food left me nourished and restored. Going forward I have so many tools to work with to help align myself and my business in ways that will hopefully bring me more balance and joy.
– Lezlie Scaliatine, Ecotherapist

I came on this retreat because I kept hitting burnout with my business. Looking back now, it was a sort of last-ditch attempt at a Rescue Mission, but the promise of delicious food, a hot tub, and a beautiful setting made the imminent rescue much more appealing! Julie’s carefully crafted lesson plans were like a trail of breadcrumbs through each of our Business Forests — we each went on a journey and discovered our way home. I came away with renewed hope and a detailed plan of action. I also have a meaningful absence of fear, and a deeper sense of trusting the small steps I will be taking over time. Julie embodies a deep patience and trust in the cycles of nature, combined with nuts and bolts tools to really light a fire right where you need it. Such a great combination!
– Corva Rose, Landscape Designer

I’ve supported a lot of transformational leaders on retreat as a photographer and have had the privilege to see many sides of the experience. This was the only retreat where I saw equal parts of business and pleasure satisfied equally. My masculine “”do””-er got all the structure where my feminine “”flow”” got all the connection, ease and grace that I long for. The only thing I would change is just one more day. The container was held so well and the women that showed up were just perfect. Highly recommend!
– Candace Smith, Photographer

Replenish was a phenomenal experience all around. From the gorgeous setting to the incredible food to the new relationships with a group of amazing women, I felt nourished on all levels. Julie leads the group with a beautiful balance of structure and stability for us to lean into, combined with warmth, flexibility and lightness. I was able to deeply rest, vision my life, play and explore, connect with myself, connect with the other women, AND come up with a new plan for my business, clear goals, and steps to implement them. I’m so grateful to be starting off my year this way.
– Julia Ellis, Expressive Arts Therapist

Loved this retreat!!! And I’m totally not the retreat type. But all the women were so warm and open and the space was awesome. After a day, I was hooked! Just the right pace and with enough openness that I had several incredible insights to set up my upcoming year differently. Definitely recommend this as a yearly reflection on your biz.
– Linda Basso, Speaker and Author

The Replenish Retreat was exactly what I needed. I got to drop into quiet with myself in a way that I don’t get often enough. I got to deeply reflect on what’s helping me and hindering me, how to get the support I need and structure not only my business, but my life to support my vision of an ideal life. The connection to the other women at the retreat was such a deep experience. Being held by them in a place of love and support and truth made the challenging things easier and the laughter even better.
– Heather Sontag, Organizational Expert

I look forward to Replenish every year – I’ve gone three years in a row now. It is a transformational experience, where my whole self and my business reach greater clarity and alignment. It always helps me to reveal the places where I am stuck, set intentions to move forward, and prioritize my actions. At last year’s Replenish I set an intention that I carried with me and successfully accomplished over the course of the year. It was amazing.
– Kara Sammet, Gender Equity Consultant

I chose to go to the Replenish Retreat to set myself up powerfully for the year ahead. I so appreciate the way Julie is so gracefully integrates business with nature. It was a wonderful combination of being outside with nature while planning the year ahead with ease. Also the community of women that Julie attracts is wonderful. I walked away feeling confident about my year ahead while also feeling loved up by nature. I highly recommend this retreat to any business woman wanting to honor nature and business together. Oh and I cannot forget to mention the food, SO DELICIOUS!
– Michelle Olsen, Career Purpose Coach

This retreat is unique in its offering. It has time to reflect and recharge, and is also packed with important information for women entrepreneurs. I am so grateful to Julie for creating this vision, and delivering it with such grace, power and kindness.
– Robin Shaw, Yoga Teacher & Massage Therapist

It was so fulfilling and revitalizing to come to a safe and inviting space in nature with other women entrepreneurs, especially since I didn’t know anyone there — and walk away feeling clear, open, and with new friends!
– Brianna Russell, Nonprofit founder

I knew I absolutely had to come after the experience from last year. This year I was eager to think through what my second full year of business would be like after building such a solid foundation last year. I uncovered a couple of limiting beliefs that I was able to shift, my eyes were opened to a few new business opportunities and I started seeing myself as a leader in a way that I haven’t before. The unique thing about the retreat was the collaboration and support between the women, the group inspired and elevated all of the content of the program and it was absolutely incredible. I’m walking away with a community, an inspired vision for this year, a clear set of goals and tasks to implement, new business ideas and a bold vision for myself. I feel powerful and clear about where I’m heading this year.”
– Lindsay Gordon, Career Coach

The first full day session was transformational. I was able to make a great deal of headway on what was holding me back. With this clarity and focus, I was able to create a realistic plan of action based on my vision.”
– Dr. Payal Bhandari, Holistic Physician

This retreat gave me the tools to take my business to the next level. I now feel capable, prepared, and supported. So many possibilities have opened up, thank you! The retreat was a beautiful inter-relationship of business and spirit, of nature and yoga with brainstorming and planning! So complete, so effective. Julie is a GREAT facilitator and teacher. I didn’t know business could feel good, aligned, and in integrity with my life and not some separate thing I have to work on.”
– Jill Mahanna, Artist, Nevada City

Replenish was deeply relaxing, clarifying, inspiring, and incredibly helpful for me in committing to plans for the coming year and to bring into focus how to continue this reflection to grow my business in a way that works for me.”
– Lisa Silberstein, Floral Designer, Oakland

Julie’s Replenish retreat provides the necessary space, guidance, and community to help me set clear intentions & provides structure to put these intentions into action. I look forward to this gathering every winter to reset & I come out each year with new insights about myself and my business. Thank you!”
– Jamie Lieber, Acupuncturist, San Francisco

This retreat helped me find clarity and vision as I go through a big transition and re-branding of my business. I came away knowing exactly what my next step is and where I’m going. I’ve already recommended this retreat to many business women that I know that I think would get so much from it.”
– Cristina Topham, Chef, Sonoma

It was so wonderful to come together with a group of powerful, inspiring women who are really getting things done and making an impact in the world! The location was amazing, the food was delicious, and I am leaving fully rejuvenated, uplifted and ready to take my life and business to a whole new level.”
– Katia Sol, Coach and Guide

This weekend was truly so meaningful for me. It was exactly what I needed it to be. I feel motivated, capable and connected in ways that I have never felt around my business. I love the weaving together of the spiritual and the practical, and I got to move through the point where I usually get stuck and into a place where I have concrete steps forward to take. I also really felt the privilege of witnessing all these amazing women’s gifts on full display this weekend. The retreat surpassed my expectations.”
– Kristen Warnick, Massage Therapist, Oakland

I went to Replenish because my soul really desired to make business planning pleasurable. The beautiful space, sisterhood, amazing food and the support of someone else providing the structure, I really received that.”
– Sweta Chawla, Intuitive Coach, Berkeley

I was having trouble clarifying my vision for next steps in my business, even though I’ve had my business for several years. I needed to re-evaluate and re-brand, but was battling the need for perfection and wanting to avoid burnout. I just knew I needed to be around nature with other like-minded women. I found a wonderful tribe of amazing new friends, and let go of a LOT of old beliefs that were holding me back.”
– Racheal Pavkovic, Photographer, Oakland

I came on the retreat to relax and make time to map out my life and business goals… I left with a clear vision of what’s possible when I make the space for myself to rest and reflect. I also got a real sense of the long game of building a business and how important it is to plant those seeds (as goals) now. Everything was perfect.”
-Kelsey Lowitz, Health Coach and Acupuncturist

The biggest thing I am bringing back from the retreat is the knowledge that I am the master of my own vision, life, business, and calendar.

I was scheduling things in a way that stressed me out, putting too many things on my calendar, expecting myself to accomplish an unrealistic amount of tasks on (unnecessarily) tight schedules, and therefore was always feeling behind and stressed. Since the retreat, I have created more spaciousness to do deep, focused work on what is most important, rather than scattered multi-tasking.

I am also regularly checking on my goals to see what is and is not working, and blocking time into my calendar for the things I want to achieve, as well as taking the free time I need to feel whole. I am learning to trust and have faith that there are ebbs and flows to a business and to allow myself to relax into life, rather than pushing myself to keep going against the grain and then burning out.

The tricky thing of course is keeping this with me when outside influences constantly push me in different ways. Luckily, I have my goals written out, my vision on my wall and my monthly check-ins, so I have ways to re-ground myself in what’s important when things inevitably get a little crazy.

Thank you for this beautiful gift!”
-Jenna Carlsson, Nonprofit Event Planner

I had been working with Julie for six months, and this retreat was a PERFECT opportunity to go deeper to reflect, revise and experience the rest I need to move with intention into the New Year with my business. To take a step back from the busy day-to-day and drop into some silence to see what happens… what a gift! I love the cyclical nature of Julie’s Natural Business Cycle model and how well this retreat supports the dormant phase. Plus, being nourished by great food and nature is so important – I take care of others with my work and myself at home. I desperately needed some support feeling nourished!”
– Jamie Lieber, Acupuncturist, San Francisco

I had a wonderful and productive time at Replenish, and I loved getting a chance to get to know so many amazing, badass business women. Over the course of the weekend, we accomplished a lot — intention setting, vision-boarding, nature walking, community building, yoga, and goal setting, and yet it still felt spacious and nourishing. I was particularly moved by the campfire where we symbolically burned what we wanted to let go of from last year … it was a totally cathartic community experience that felt so supportive and necessary and flowed perfectly into setting new goals for 2017. If it weren’t for that session, I don’t think I would have set goals for my business at all. That alone was worth everything. That, and the hot tub :)”
– Jen Weiss, Fundraising Coach and Consultant

I showed up stressed and exhausted, and so needed to step outside my busy life, the internet, and my family, to focus on what are ultimately the most essential ingredients of bringing a healthy, thriving business into the world: self-care, a clear sense of purpose, and smart systems.”
– Megan Armstrong, Mother-Daughter Mentor

I saw an old limiting belief vanished before my eyes. I had examined it for years previously, but never labeled it as limiting. When a couple other women at the retreat talked about their experience with a similar belief, something clicked for me that never had before, and the grip and power of it pretty much just vanished. It was kind of amazing. Being in a circle of smart, ambitious women and hearing some of them tell the same limiting story allowed me to see that it was just a story in my head, it wasn’t real. It was like shining a flashlight under the bed and seeing there really was no monster there. I don’t care how much therapy or coaching we all do, there aren’t that many truly revelatory moments when you can experience that kind of liberation and see your life path shifting. It was a gift.”
– Education Consultant

Since the retreat, I was able to define a strategic business plan and budget to create an integrative health clinic. I have lined up a handful of health care providers who would join the clinic along with a business developer on the non-medical side. I am going to start looking at office spaces soon and keep moving forward on how to make the clinic a reality hopefully later this year. My solo practice is also gaining more traction! February has certainly seen an increase in business. I am better defining my niche as an integrative functional medicine specialist through my website, and I’m excited to do more blogging and teaching in my niche this year. Thank you so much for your help and support!”
– Payal Bhandari, Holistic Physician

I’ve done visioning and goal setting so many times, but never made it to the nitty-gritty task part. So actually having it on paper and feeling do-able was a huge revolution! I came on the retreat to get some clarity on my business and an action plan on paper so that I could make some actual progress and accomplishments. I am coming away feeling at very long last, clarity on how to approach and move forward with it! And, I feel excited and motivated to do it. Julie’s gentle insightfulness came across in her words and the experiences she created, and they have transformed my approach to my business.”
– Darci Andresen, Marketing Specialist

I overcame fears of my relationship with money and stepped into a new space of taking myself more seriously as an entrepreneur. It was a holistically balanced and grounded retreat that left me feeling accomplished and inspired.”
– Kristi Williamson, Yoga Teacher and Performing Artist, Oakland

Replenish truly reset my mindset for the business year to come. I finally feel capable and open to the potential of success in ways I have never before. The container of safety and support I received from the teachers and participants was priceless.Thank you Julie, from the bottom of my heart!”
– Claudia Comerci, Healer

Every business owner owes it to herself and her business to take time away to reflect, replenish, vision, and plan at least once a year. Julie, Katia, Heather, the program design, the delights of Westerbeke, and the wisdom and offerings of all the women who attended made it a fantastically well-balanced and rich experience.”
– Sunny Sabbini, Business Partner Coach

Replenish rocked! I loved the energy and inspiration created by bringing together a committed group of dynamic, entrepreneurial women. Julie and her team delivered an experience that allowed for spaciousness to create while having fun. The short format strategy and learning sessions combined with practical tools and coaching helped move all of us forward in our businesses. Thank you!”
– Kimberley Elliott, Women’s Leadership Coach

This was my second time joining the retreat and it’s clear how thoughtful Julie is in her next iteration as they get better and juicier! The timing of the retreat is perfect for me to reflect on the previous year and plan the upcoming year all while in a magical setting in nature, surrounded by deep women and a profound sense of feminine community. The mix of learning business as well as embodiment under these settings is inspiring and reassuring. I’ll be back next year!”
– Bre Russell, Nonprofit Director

The Replenish Retreat was more than I could have hoped for! It was the perfect balance of a truly replenishing “retreat” from my everyday life with delicious nourishing food, beautiful nature, relaxing atmosphere, and incredible powerful women. It was also a powerful time to get clarity on the next steps in my business and my life and to have concrete steps to implement when I got home. Couldn’t stop raving about it when I got home!”
– Michelle Dwyer, Health Coach

Last year, my goals and projects that came out of Replenish were all about clearing some space in the craziness, getting help, and establishing systems. And I did it — I got the help I needed through the year to accomplish that! This year, I’ve come away with a deeper understanding of how my programs need to build on each other, and how I can start developing that. I also have more understanding of the power of offering fewer services, and leveraging my time so that I can still serve people and have an impact, but spend less time doing it. I can see that my Replenish work from this year is building on the momentum of last year. And it’s a process that’s enjoyable, creative, and nourishing. Julie’s modality really works!”
– Corva Rose, Arborist and Plant Teacher

There was so much I loved about this retreat. The time spent in nature reflecting, the dancing and movement, the singing, the spontaneity, the play that I got to bring into the process of expanding and working on my business. Most of all though I LOVED the amazing group of incredible women that were there. It was such a unique experience to be in a group of over 20 business owners and feel connected to each woman and deeply enjoy every single person’s energy. I got awesome resources for my business that I am already putting to use and cannot wait to attend next year!”
– Zoe Gillis, Therapist and Wilderness Guide

At Replenish I found the time in nature with like-minded women entrepreneurs to be so good for the soul. And for the soul of my business. Ultimately the deep reflection work and tools were such grounding for operating my business and my life in a more sustainable, intentional way. Looking forward to more Replenish retreats in the years ahead!”
– Emily Dreblow Rey, Business Coach and Floral Designer

I had been looking for some down to earth business guidance that aligned with my counter-culture values. I knew it was time to take some deliberate steps towards taking my business to the next level, but had been turned off by much of the mainstream entrepreneurial resources. I felt inspired as soon as I found Julie’s site. I arrived feeling very nervous, but was amazed to discover a sense of belonging and community as soon as the retreat started. A heartfelt, embodied land acknowledgement, being outside, the diversity in the group, and the authentic brave shared experiences helped me land in a way I felt I could bring my whole self to the space, and know I wasnt alone in my struggles. The retreat was carefully designed to include both spacious time to connect to nature and bigger vision, and a ton of amazing strategic nuts and bolts, all with a time for emotional integration, embodiment, and play. We stayed on task, and still had time to relax. I appreciated the balance and careful tending to both the emotional side of running a business, and the practical logistics. I learned that financial work really is spiritual/inner growth/ healing work! I feel like I’ve entered a whole new chapter, and although there are still a lot of unknowns, I feel much more empowered and clear in how to move forward. I’m incredibly grateful.”
– Avery Kalapa, Yoga Teacher

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*We use an inclusive definition of “woman” and “female” and welcome trans, genderqueer, and non-binary people who identify as women.






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