Weekly-ish emails with tips to create powerful group containers for transformation.

Welcome to the annual Replenish Retreat. I’m so excited you’re coming!

What an incredible group of powerful women coming together to relax, reflect, vision, and strategize! I’m truly looking forward to being with you for what I hope will be a transformative experience for all of us. And, Westerbeke Ranch is a glorious little family-owned retreat center in the Sonoma hills, and I’m so excited to be able to host the retreat there. Here are a few things you need to know now…

First, The Immediate To-do List (in order of priority):​

  1. If you did not do this upon registration, please fill out this short questionnaire that will help me get to know you and where you can also state your food preferences. If I know all the biz stuff about you already (you’re in the Redwood Circle or my private client), you can skip the narrative questions, but DO NOT SKIP the food preferences questions, the retreat center needs those.
  2. RSVP YES on the Facebook event (this helps get the word out about the retreat, thank you!).
  3. Add Tuesday, February 4th from 11AM-4PM to your calendar for our bonus goal-setting, work-planning and virtual co-working day!
  4. Please read this entire page for a few important logistics about the retreat.
  5. If you’re not already familiar with my teaching framework, I invite you to listen to this one hour audio class so you can familiarize yourself with the basic framework I’m coaching from.
  6. Please read our draft Community Standards and Agreements and send a quick email to Julie saying, “I agree!” or let me know if you have questions or concerns.

Pre-Retreat Reflection Questions:​

Below is a document with exercises to help you begin the reflection process that will continue on the first day of the retreat. Either print out the page and write your answers on it or use a journal to answer the questions so you don’t need your computer on the first day. I recommend doing these between two weeks and two days before the retreat. Pre-Retreat Reflection Questions

Retreat Logistics and Good Stuff to Know:

  • Please read Westerbeke’s guidelines here.
  • There are five cabins composed of multiple comfy rooms. Each room will be shared with 2-4 women. Each room has an ensuite bathroom.
  • The kitchen can accommodate many food preferences, but if you have a lot of preferences, you may need to supplement. If there’s anything we need to know about your food preferences that you did not mention in the application form, please let us know as soon as possible.
  • There is tea and coffee available at all times, and snacks available in the store.
  • Please arrive by 10AM as our program begins at 10:30AM sharp on the 24th. We’ll end our program by 3PM on Monday the 27th.
  • There is always a good chance of rain in January, yay! We will be outside, unless it’s a total downpour or dangerous for some reason. This means please bring warm layers, a raincoat, and if you have them, rain pants. And bring an umbrella too. Of course, no one will be forcing you to stay out if you’re cold, but I want you all to have the experience of the guided nature experience on Saturday rain or shine. You can check the weather here.
  • More info about the retreat and a basic schedule can be found on the retreat webpage.
  • The Westerbeke Ranch address is 2300 Grove Street, Sonoma, CA 95476

General Schedule (slash, when can I get a massage?!)

Breakfast is at 8, Lunch is at 12:30 and Dinner is at 6:30 and food is usually out for an hour (or have someone grab lunch for you if you miss it). Friday we meet from: 10:30AM-12:30PM 2:30-5:30PM 7:30-9:30PM (optional, but be there from 7:30-8 ideally a least) Saturday we meet from: 9AM-12:30PM 2:30-5:30PM 7:30-9:30PM (optional) Sunday we meet from: 9:30AM-12:30PM 2:30-5:30PM 7:30-9:30PM (optional) Monday we meet from: 9:30AM-12:30PM 1:30-3PM We may schedule yoga or meditation outside of these hours, but hey, you can’t do it all!! Email Westerbeke here to book a massage.

What To Bring:

  • Rain clothes and umbrella
  • Yoga mat
  • Flashlight
  • Shampoo, soap and conditioner (it’s not provided)
  • Ear plugs
  • Your favorite cozy clothes (bring layers, it will be warm inside where there are woodstoves and probably chilly and/or wet outside)
  • A good pair of outdoor shoes that can get wet and are good for walking around (tennis shoes will do)
  • A pair of easy on/off shoes if you like
  • Swimsuit for the hot tub
  • A journal to take notes in for most sessions (although you’ll receive a journal when you get there!)
  • Your computer for when we get into work planning (this can be done in a journal, but for many people, it’s easier to get this stuff directly into your computer and calendar)
  • A small set of colored markers or pencils for our planning process (if you don’t have them, we will have extras)
  • Other art supplies (paper, stickers, paints, glitter, images, etc) to decorate the physical representations of your intentions and goals (totally optional, we’ll have plenty)
  • Your favorite chocolate bar or other treat to share with the group at the perfect moment (totally optional, we’ll have plenty)

Invite a Friend!

What better way to Replenish (and have some additional accountability) than to bring a dear friend or colleague? If you get a friend to sign up who’s never been to Replenish, you’ll receive a FREE MASSAGE at Replenish. The best way to do this is simply call someone and ask, of course, but I would also super appreciate it if you would post about the retreat on Facebook and invite other cool women to the event…

Easy and Effective Facebook Posting:

Here’s how to do it…
  1. Write a compelling, personal message (or adjust from copy below)
  2. Link to the Facebook event itself
  3. Tag people in your post who might be interested
  4. Invite those same people to the actual event on Facebook
  5. Follow up with them individually if you really want them to come
Here is the Facebook event to invite people to and link to when you post. ​
And here are a few sample posts (edit as you will or write your own, especially if you’ve already been!): Women coaches, consultants, healers… Winter is the perfect time to take a step back to rest, reflect and strategize about your business for 2020. This January at the gorgeous Westerbeke Ranch, use nature as your guide to tap into your vision for your business, and then get practical with goals and calendars so you can make 2020 your best year yet… plus we’ll play in nature, soak in hot tubs, do yoga and eat amazing food. Sound fun? Join us! Hello women coaches and consultants… Winter is the perfect time to sloooow down and take a big picture look at where your business is headed. This retreat will help you deeply rest, reflect, and strategize to make 2020 your best year yet (whatever that means to you!). Join us this January! Hot tubs + Biz Strategy: I think Julie’s figured out the formula for business success. You should check out her January retreat – Replenish Winter Reflection and Strategy Retreat for Women Entrepreneurs! How many times have you thought, “I wish I had a big chunk of time to take a break and just focus on the big picture of my business?” If you are an earthy, woman entrepreneur ready to rest, reflect, realign, and reactivate yourself and your business using nature as your guide, I think you would LOVE the Replenish Winter Reflection and Strategy Retreat for Women Entrepreneurs this January. And, here is the actual webpage for the retreat if you are simply emailing someone this info. Thank you! If you have any questions, just email me at julie@juliewolkcoaching.com.

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